
National Impaired Driving Prevention Month: December 2014

December is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. Impaired driving is a serious problem in the United States. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than 30 perfect of drivers involved in fatal car accidents on weekends are alcohol impaired. Additionally, an estimated 6,761 people a year are killed in drugged driving crashes.

Both alcohol and drug related accidents are all very preventable and can save someone from losing their life. You can do many things to help stop these from happening. First, make a promise to yourself that you will never drive while under the influence of any drugs or alcohol. Always remember that if you have to drive home, don’t consume any of these substances. But if you do plan to, find a new way home via designated driver or cab. A cab fare is cheaper than a DUI or someone’s life. Also look out for others around you. If you see someone leaving a party or social gathering after having too many drinks, make sure they are not driving themselves or others home.

Furthermore, know how your medications affect your body. Sometimes people begin taking prescription medications for various health reasons and have a negative reaction. They can make the user drowsy or give them blurred vision. This type of drugged driving is still very dangerous and should also be prevented.

If everyone in the United States promised to help prevent drugged and drunk driving, thousands of lives would be saved.

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