Mobile App Created to Help Recovering Alcoholics

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Mobile App Created to Help Recovering Alcoholics

A new mobile app has been designed to help those recovering from alcohol addiction. A-CHESS- Addiction- Comprehensive Health Enhancement Support System was created to help those in recovery. This app contains guided relaxation techniques as well as a feature that alerts the user when they are near a bar or potentially other risky places while in recovery. “The system we developed is a product of about 30 years of research,” sayd David Gustafson, the apps developer. In addition, the app has a feature which can connect the user to their supporters and other app users as well as games to help distract them from their cravings. Just another way technology is helping to aid in the recovery process.

Addiction can happen to anyone, and the important thing to do is get into treatment for it. Recovery needs to be the number one priority in your life. Seabrook is an internationally recognized private drug and alcohol treatment center in New Jersey. At Seabrook, we offer detox, inpatient, outpatient, and family treatment. We operate several behavioral health facilities in the northeast United States.

Our accommodations offer both private and semi-private rooms with modern amenities. Seabrook accepts some health insurances for payment and offers partial scholarships for those without resources, who may qualify. For more information, please contact us at (888) 223-0298.

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