Medical Marijuana in Iowa

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Medical Marijuana in Iowa

Legislation to decriminalize marijuana will be introduced when Iowa lawmakers return to Des Moines in January. Sen. Joe Bolkcom, D-Iowa City, plans to introduce two measures. One would remove the drug from the most restrictive listing; the other would create a way for patients to get medical marijuana. Neither measure is likely to become law.

Gov. Terry Branstad has given no indication that he is anything but completely opposed to the decriminalization or legalization of marijuana. Twenty states — Illinois and New Hampshire being the most recent — have approved medical marijuana either by law or referendum since California became the first to decriminalize in 1996. Colorado and Washington have approved the drug for recreational use. There’s been a steady push in Iowa, too, but it’s never gotten much traction either in the Statehouse or at the grassroots level.

Seabrook follows the 12 step program and understands that patients are often coming from a painful intervention or other form of counseling and have fully accredited counselors on staff to help make the transition easier.

Have you re-enrolled for Medicaid? Learn more about changes that could affect your coverage.