
Massage Therapy and Detoxification

Massage Therapy and Detoxification

The art of massage therapy has been practiced for centuries. Massage therapy is an extremely effective way of relieving stress and ridding the body of harmful toxins. In busy cities like Boston, Massachusetts (MA), the additional stress in people’s lives lead to tense bodily pressure and toxin buildup—both symptoms that massage therapy can treat. And because of the symptoms that it treats, massage therapy is also very beneficial for recovering addicts. Years of drug, alcohol, or nicotine use causes the body significant harm by exposing the body to foreign and damaging chemicals. Drug rehab physically detoxifies the patient, but the bodily and mental symptoms resulting from the detox can be healed and even avoided all together by massage therapy.

Many drug rehab centers, including Seabrook, use massage therapy as a bodily therapy that is complementary with mental therapy. The combination of complete bodily and mental recovery is extremely important for lasting sobriety and preventing future relapse. Behavioral/mental therapy might be successful by itself, but the mind is the only focus. Likewise, a massage only focuses on the body—but the holistic nature of drug rehab massage involves both the body and mind. Healing the bodily symptoms of detox allows the mind to relax and refresh.

Seabrook offers detoxification massage therapy as a holistic component of each individual drug treatment program. Our clients meet with our treatment team to discuss the patient’s alcohol or drug history, any personal or physical ailments, and any mood disorders such as depression. A unique treatment plan is then designed for the individual patient to ensure that the treatment is tailored to their own needs and goals during rehab. Boston, Massachusetts (MA) residents seeking rehabilitation should strongly consider the benefits of a holistic approach—an approach that Seabrook takes with their rehabilitation programs. Seabrook is an internationally recognized drug rehabilitation and detoxification treatment center that has facilities located in Bridgeton, New Jersey (NJ), Tioga County, Pennsylvania (PA), and New York (NY). The treatment team at Seabrook can help implement holistic therapies like massages into your routine and resulting recovery!

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