
Lessons Learned in Recovery Month

Overdose Awareness Day on August 31rst often leaves us feeling somber and hopeless. Beginning September 1rst is Recovery Month is dedicated to celebrating those living in recovery. So often achievements large and small throughout sobriety go unnoticed. That changes in September. Long-term recovery is very real and happens in many different forms every day. Sometimes it is a small victory, not stopping by the liquor store on your way home. Other times, it is a momentous accomplishment such as attending your first dance recital sober.

Throughout the thirty days of September, people all across the globe preach the importance and rewards that come with substance abuse prevention, treatment, and recovery. This year, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA) has themed 2018’s Recovery Month as Voices for Recovery: Invest in Your Health, Home, Purpose, and Community.

Just like New Year’s resolutions; the education gained, achievements made, and recognition associated with Recovery Month are not to be left in September. There is great influence that comes with storytelling. Sharing your experiences with others brings us closer and bonds us with others who have endured similar circumstances. Unless having lived through it personally, most people do not understand the vast ramifications of addiction. They do not understand it is a disease, rather than moral deficiency. Recovery Month is the perfect opportunity to educate those who are unfamiliar with the issue and its severity.
Recovery Month creates an opportunity to raise hope, healthy living, and overall wellness. It is important to address all forms of health. Mental health is equally as important as physical health. It is impossible to have one without the other. Being healthy individually leads to waves of positive influence including stable homes and prosperous communities.

Those with substance abuse disorder are not the only ones celebrating recovery throughout Recovery Month. Families are as well. Seventy percent of families across the United States have been touched by addiction in some form. By including families and communities in Recovery Month, everyone is able to work together towards celebrating recovery and reducing the stigma associated with substance abuse disorder. While millions are celebrating recovery this month, keep in mind only ten percent of people who need addiction treatment receive it. Together, we can spread awareness and advance the availability of quality addiction treatment in our local communities.

Do not be too bashful to share your own success story this month. Be proud of your accomplishments, or those of a friend or family member. Displaying messages of hope help those struggling to enter recovery. If you are not sure what to post, SAMHSA has a resource page full of social media Recovery Month ideas.

Seabrook is proud to promote the accomplishments of those who have graduated from our substance abuse and co-occurring disorder treatment programs. Throughout our almost 45 years of service, we have successfully treated over 75,000 patients. Each one of our alumni has inspired us to continue and push for everyone to have the capability to redeem themselves and live a healthy and rewarding life. Seabrook Alumni Services was created to help maintain a connection to our alumni and their family members. Seabrook Alumni Services offers additional support to alumni through the follow-up services, alumni events, social media, and the Alumni Contact Program. For more information please contact toll free (888) 223-0298.

Have you re-enrolled for Medicaid? Learn more about changes that could affect your coverage.