
Just Keep Swimming

Blog post by: Alumni Relations Specialist

Not only is it now summer time and we are swimming but the new Finding Dory movie has hit the screens. This fish taught us in the first movie Finding Nemo that when life gets tough we should “just keep swimming!”  I think of this often as it reminds me of when the program says keep it simple, as many addicts like to complicate life or worry more than needed. Summer time can be a hard time for us members of the rooms but as we really start to work a program of recovery we will understand the summer weather and events will not disrupt the profound change we are making. When we become more than members and genuinely start working the program it will include: reading the literature, working the steps with our sponsor, giving back in service, having a home group, going to that home group every week and practicing the spiritual principals in our lives, we must get active. If it is a nice day and we are invited to a cook out or the beach where there may be people doing things we did in our past, we are learning ways to react different. We are now active in our program and it has taught us to leave if we are uncomfortable so we do just that. We no longer dance with the devil until it is too late; we have tools and a network of people that help us with practicing and applying our coping skills on a daily basis. That is the difference between being a member of the rooms and working a program in the rooms.  Are you working a program? If not, we suggest diving through the fear and “just keep swimming” right into your program!

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