
Inspiring Tips to Help You Live More Healthfully

Eat whole foods, exercise, and get plenty of sleep. Are these factors the total blueprint for wellness? They’re certainly vital actions that support a foundation of long-lasting health. Interestingly, there are other methods that also reinforce your well-being, including holistic therapies. So let’s take a closer look at inspiring tips to help you live more healthfully. 

What is Health?  

The definition has evolved over the years. For example, Medical News Today (MNT) reports that in 1948, the World Health Organization stated that “​health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Then, in 1986, it refined the statement to include this point: “A resource for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities.”

All those statements are true, with an understanding that while we frequently focus on mental and physical health, “spiritual, emotional, and financial health also contribute to overall health. Medical experts have linked these to lower stress levels and improved mental and physical well-being,” MNT adds. 

So can we ever be fully healthy? Unfortunately, the overall answer is probably no, as there are many fluctuating variables throughout our lives. But fortunately, there are just as many countering factors to help reinforce health if we regularly rely on them through conscious choice and actions. 

The 8 Dimensions Wellness Model 

Margaret (Peggy) Swarbrick is the associate director of Rutgers University Center of Alcohol and Substance Use Studies. She’s credited with developing the 8 Dimensions Wellness Model in the early 1990s to help define a more complete perspective of health. “This model has evolved over many years based on the lived experiences of people facing traumatic life experiences, substance use, and mental health challenges,” she said in this article. “Initially, the model included only 5 dimensions, but over time evolved to 8 based on the many needs and issues facing people on the field and in the street.” 

According to Swarbrick, the 8 Dimensions Model includes the following, in no particular order, with her definitions, which we provide verbatim: 

  • Physical: Recognizing the need for physical activity, diet, sleep, and nutrition.
  • Emotional/Mental: Coping effectively with life and creating satisfying relationships.
  • Intellectual: Recognizing creative abilities and finding ways to expand knowledge and skills.
  • Spiritual: Expanding our sense of purpose and meaning in life.
  • Social: Developing a sense of connection, belonging, and a well-developed support system.
  • Environmental: Occupying pleasant, stimulating environments that support wellbeing.
  • Occupational: Personal satisfaction and enrichment derived from one’s work.
  • Financial: Satisfaction with current and future financial situations. 

One study’s results indicated that the 8 Dimensions don’t necessarily have to be equally balanced all the time. “We should aim, instead, to strive for a ‘personal harmony’ that feels most authentic to us. We naturally have our own priorities, approaches, and aspirations, including our own views of what it means to live life fully.” 

There are actually numerous variances to this model including as many as 12 dimensions. However, most studies reinforce the original’s effectiveness, especially when counseling people in recovery to help them feel more control when exploring elements of happiness and purpose. 

Inspiring Tips to Help You Live More Healthfully  

So using the 8 Dimensions as one type of guide, how can you choose to live more healthfully? Here are some ideas. 

  • Physical: Choose a form of consistent movement that matters to you. Focus on whole foods nutrition most of the time and prioritize better sleep hygiene.  
  • Emotional/Mental: Recognize the importance of maintaining emotional and mental health through therapy, mindfulness practices, yoga, stress reduction, and other avenues of balance.
  • Intellectual: Allow yourself to be more than one thing! Expand areas of interest that spark your curiosity and add to your joy.
  • Spiritual: Cultivate a sense of purpose and, if appropriate, dedicate yourself to a belief system that you find fulfilling, whether it’s a certain denomination, such as Christian, or simply a greater appreciation of the universe.
  • Social: Expand your sober support networks, volunteer for causes you believe in, and nurture your personal relationships. 
  • Environmental: Depending on our circumstances, it may be challenging to live exactly where we like. But we can certainly travel to our favorite places, choose a more appropriate living space, and declutter and beautify our surroundings. 
  • Occupational: While aspects of employment and career are sometimes out of our control, we can always strive for fulfillment and satisfaction at various points along the way. 
  • Financial: Not everyone has the advantage of knowing all aspects of financial wellness. Fortunately, there are many ways to learn, such as following these financial literacy tips from Money Mentors.

If you’d like more tips on living healthfully, download this workbook from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. 

Seabrook: Creating Wellness for Life

Seabrook has four award-winning addiction treatment centers in New Jersey that offer you access to an extensive wellness program featuring both evidence-based therapies and holistic alternatives. This multifaceted approach reflects our philosophy to not simply address your symptoms, but help you discover whole-person healing and learn additional methods that enhance your well-being. If this is the comprehensive care you’ve searched for but have yet to find, give us a call today to learn more.  

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