Inmate Died From Alcohol Withdrawal

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Inmate Died From Alcohol Withdrawal

Soon after arriving at a county jail in California, an inmate died. The man had a daily malt liquor intake somewhere in the 240 to 280 ounce range, enough to keep his 55-year-old body in a state of perpetual inebriation. This is what officially caused his death within a day of being incarcerated.

According to the DA’s Investigative report, the inmate arrived at the jail where a nurse interviewed him. The man admitted to being an alcoholic but claimed he hadn’t had anything to drink in five days. He was given a vitamin and processed through to the medical center for further evaluation. By the end of the day, and despite being given capsules of Serax to help with alcohol withdrawal, He began to suffer obvious symptoms of withdrawal and was transported to a local hospital and declared dead shortly thereafter. His death is officially listed as having been caused by complications of chronic alcoholism.

Seabrook has a highly trained staff to assist you with the difficult task of detoxing, and we can customize a treatment plans to fit an individual’s needs. Contact Seabrook today at 1.(888) 223-0298 to find out ways for you to beat your addiction.

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