“I Know, I Know, I Know”

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“I Know, I Know, I Know”

It’s been said that the addict’s national anthem is “I Know, I Know, I Know.” Another common response you might hear from addicts in early recovery is “I know what I need to do.” Typically this will exit the mouth of someone who has been to rehab a couple times, or perhaps from someone whose been to a few meetings before, and they may have even accumulated some clean time in the past. They may very well “know what they need to do,” but more importantly they need to do it! Information alone will not keep you clean. What keeps an addict clean is going to meetings regularly, working the 12-steps with a sponsor, getting in service and helping the next guy. But just simply knowing this will not keep you clean, doing this regularly will keep you clean.

The first sentence in the Narcotics Anonymous Basic text is “simplicity is the key.” If you’ve been to meetings before I’m sure you’ve heard that “this is a simple program for complicated people.” Complicated in the regard that at some point we think that what we know will keep us clean and it won’t. It’s also been said that “you can’t be too dumb for this program but you can be too smart.”

Seabrook knows the needs of its patients, whether you are looking to enter a rehab for the first time or if you have been through several. Seabrook also believes its patients deserve a treatment rehab center with integrity, backed by accreditation organizations worthy of the utmost respect. That is why we have sought and earned Accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). Choosing Seabrook as a CARF accredited rehab program means we have passed an in-depth review of our services. These reviews and inspections take place every 3 years to ensure continued compliance and exceptional treatment services. Our addiction treatment programs have demonstrated that they meet internationally recognized standards and that Seabrook is an organization that has made a commitment to continually enhance the quality of its programs and addiction services and its focus on the patients we serve.

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