
Houston Astro’s Jon Singleton Opens Up About Addiction

For the first time, Jon Singleton opens up about his battle with marijuana addiction. In a recent article he told the Associated Press, “I know I enjoy smoking weed, I enjoy being high and I can’t block that out of my mind that I enjoy that. So I have to work against that.” Realizing he was an addict, Singleton sought treatment but only after his second failed drug test and 50-game suspension. Initially not open to the idea of treatment and recovery, Singleton quickly realized it was for the better and sought help with his addiction.

If you or someone you know struggles with drug or alcohol addiction, Seabrook may be able to help. We are an internationally recognized private drug and alcohol treatment center and we offer a wide variety of programs to fit your lifestyle. To seek treatment or learn more about Seabrook, please contact us at 1.(888) 223-0298.

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