Heroin Use Increasing, Especially in New Jersey

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Heroin Use Increasing, Especially in New Jersey

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced earlier this week that heroin use is drastically increasing. They state that the number of heroin-related deaths between 2002 and 2013 quadrupled.

The CDC’s data shows that heroin addiction does not discriminate. It affects nearly every population across the United States. The population that had the most dramatic increase in users is women between the ages of 18 and 25. This population’s rates doubled in the 2002-2013 time frame. Additionally, the highest and most surprising increasing rates were those who are privately insured, those who earn a high income and women who have been abused.

Not only are the addicts across the country using heroin, they are most likely using other drugs as well. Statistically, those using heroin are filling in time with other opiates.

This epidemic is hitting especially close to home. In New Jersey, the heroin overdose rate is triple what the CDC reported. NJ had over 740 overdose deaths just in 2013. Our home state sees countless overdoses every month. Last month, the rate was higher than normal with over 20 overdoses in just a two week period in Camden County.

To lower the rates of using and overdoses, addicts need to get treatment. Seabrook can help. Call us today and start your new life. (888) 223-0298

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