
Having a Healthy Christmas

Having a Healthy Christmas

This time of year can be very stressful, and for recovering addicts, it can be a time where the potential for relapsing is elevated. Especially in a busy city like Boston, Massachusetts (MA), the Christmas season has extra emphasis on stress related situations from the Christmas parties and family gatherings of the season. These get-togethers can lead some to stress related drug or nicotine use, or re-indulgence of alcohol or drugs so it’s very important for recovering addicts to have a healthy Christmas.

This holiday season make sure to practice healthy stress coping activities and be conscious of your health and habits. As we enter the festive season of celebration, partying, eating and drinking, it can be easy for people to slip away from their healthy routines. Overindulgence and overdoing it during the Christmas season can be damaging to your health and especially damaging for those in the recovery process from drug, alcohol, or nicotine addiction. It can take only one quick bad decision to relapse and ruin weeks, months, or years of sobriety and rehabilitation—so be conscious of your surroundings this holiday season. First of all, recovering addicts should not voluntarily put themselves in their original abuse environment—whether this means being with a certain group of people or at a certain hangout or bar. And since there are so many bars or pubs in the Boston, Massachusetts (MA) area, it becomes even more important for those in the New England region to understand where parties are being held and what is being served at the parties to avoid a confrontation and potential relapse with drugs or alcohol. Keeping up with exercise or healthy routines is another important aspect of a healthy Christmas for addicts. Sneaking a cigarette or a drink after overindulging in a holiday feast can result in a domino effect of relapse, so it’s important to stick to your guns.

There are certainly ways to be sensible about the holiday season without spoiling the cheer, so we can look forward to a healthy and merry Christmas. For those in the Boston, Massachusetts (MA) area who need help with their addiction in this stressful and tempting season, contacting Seabrook can help you stick to your recovery program and stay strong through the season. Any questions concerning drug or alcohol addiction, relapse, rehabilitation, recovery or healthy routines can be answered by the expert treatment team at Seabrook. With facilities located in Bridgeton, New Jersey (NJ), Tioga County, Pennsylvania (PA), and New York (NY) Seabrook’s addiction treatment services are readily available and conveniently located to a large portion of the east coast. Seabrook can build the unique and individual based recovery program for addicts looking to stay strong and prevent relapse during the holiday season.

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