
Gift of Recovery

The holiday season is a time when other factors come into play that can compound problems associated with substance abuse and addiction. This time of year is the highest risk season for those struggling with drug abuse and addiction as overdose death is a greater possibility than at other times of the year. Addicts would benefits from getting into treatment now. For many, the season is one of great joy and happiness. For others, the holidays bring high stress or feelings of loss or depression. Sometimes family gatherings can exacerbate difficult or unhealthy relationships and cause additional anxiety. Intense end-of-the-year workplace demands combined with must-show holiday parties can place additional pressure to drink or use. There are also many opportunities to celebrate in excess which can create tremendous challenges for those with addiction and trying to hold it together.

The greatest gift you can give your addicted loved one—or yourself–is the gift of recovery. Seabrook’s vision is to make recovery possible for every family in need. We were founded on the principles of tolerance, respect and love.

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