Former NBA Player Speaks on Drug Addiction

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Former NBA Player Speaks on Drug Addiction

Former NBA Player Speaks on Drug Addiction

Experience is an extremely important factor when it comes to motivating others. Most people tend to discredit or just plain ignore someone speaking on a subject that they have no experience in, and drug addiction is no exception. A former NBA player Chris Herren has a lot of painful experience with drug addiction, and in a new chapter in his life he has picked up the microphone and become a motivational speaker about the dangers of drug addiction.

Herren has dealt with drug issues dating back from his freshman year in college up until 2008. In college he got hooked on cocaine, than his drug use progressed to oxycodone, and then heroin. At one point during a heroin binge, Herren blacked out while driving and when he came to, a police officer told him that he had been dead 30 seconds before. Throughout his drug abusing years he was somehow still able to play for two NBA basketball teams, but in the end his drug use came close to ruining his financial and personal life. Herren credits support from his family, a higher power, the 12-step rehab program and attending meetings for keeping him sober.

It’s important for people like Chris Herren to speak about their experiences and overcoming of drug addiction, because people will listen to someone with experience. Many people in drug rehab or alcoholism treatment don’t get a chance to hear from people who actually have recovered from their addiction—they just tend to hear from people who are going through the same current struggle. Seabrook understands this void in the recovery process and through S.H.A.R.E. (Seabrook Alumni Recovery Experience) current patients are able to hear from former Seabrook patients who have successfully recovered from addictions themselves. At Seabrook, we are committed to providing quality addiction treatment for the physical, emotional and spiritual illness of chemical dependency. Our structured, nurturing programs, along with the principles grounded in the Twelve Step philosophy of recovery, combine to foster the kind of change necessary for a clean and sober life. Seabrook is an internationally recognized inpatient drug rehab and alcoholism detox treatment center with rehab facilities located in New Jersey (NJ), Pennsylvania (PA), and an outpatient office in New York (NY). If you or a loved one struggles with substance abuse, contact Seabrook today in order to get on the road to recovery!

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