
Falling off the Wagon

Country music star Trace Adkins has checked him into a rehabilitation center after falling off the sobriety wagon. After 10 years of sobriety Trace has admitted to having a relapse, but this is nothing to be ashamed about. Considering Mr. Adkins is well aware of his alcohol dependency and seeking the help needed to get him back on track is nothing short of heroic, and to admit to the world shows that he is trying to make a statement for others in recovery to not get discouraged if you relapse, but to seek treatment and guidance to get back on the road to recovery.

Adkins said this, “If you’ve ever been through one of those things, it’s the most humiliating experience you’ll ever have. To hear people you respect and love, sit there and tell you the kind of pain you’ve caused them… and yeah, I’m an alcoholic.” To hear such a human statement from a country music star shows that the stigma people have with people in recovery or with substance abuse is something that needs to be shattered. It affects people worldwide, no matter the race, social status or age. For information on how you can begin your road to sobriety contact Seabrook and learn the benefits of our facility.

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