Explaining Recovery to Children

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Explaining Recovery to Children

Children have a way of sensing when something is not right. They feed off of emotions of others, especially their parents. Some parents feel it is best if they hide their recovery from their children. They do not want to worry them or trouble them with their problems. However, hiding recovery does not hide the emotions of recovery. Therefore, it is important to be upfront with your children about your addiction and recovery so they know what exactly is going on in their family. It will benefit the parents, children and family as a whole.

It is hard to talk to young children about addiction. They do not understand what the disease is and how it affects people. You do not have to explain everything to a young child. Giving them basic information about how the disease changes their mother or father is a sufficient explanation for their age. It is more important to explain it fully when they reach their teenage years. Between the ages 16 and 25 is when a person’s brain is changing and growing the most. It is also when they have the lack of decision making and coping skills. They are also bad at recognizing bad situations. If you explain to them addiction and recovery and how it has affected your own life, they will be less likely to engage in any drug or alcohol related activity.

Discussions about addiction and recovery should happen in your family often. It is better to be open about it and allow children to ask questions rather than hide the whole situation.


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