Drug Rehab Motion Picture Motivation: Pure

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Drug Rehab Motion Picture Motivation: Pure

Drug Rehab Motion Picture Motivation: Pure

For those that struggle with an addiction to drugs, alcohol, gambling, or any other compulsion, motivation to get clean can come in many forms—and seeing a movie that can be relatable to an addict’s life can be the right motivation to kick-start a successful recovery. Though some people think that movies can often be a bit fabricated, their messages can be very powerful and convincing. The movie Pure starring Harry Eden and Keira Knightley is a drama film that can be potentially moving for those who struggle with drug abuse. Here’s a quick synopsis of the movie:

Pure revolves around Paul (Eden), a young boy who finds his life torn apart after the untimely demise of his father. In the wake of her husband’s death, Paul’s mother, Mel, turns to a less-than-reputable old friend for consolation: Lenny—a long time acquaintance of her husband’s who also happens to be the main heroin dealer in their West London neighborhood. Lenny divides his time between Mel and his other customers, including Louise (Knightley), a pregnant, crack-addicted waitress. Paul is so accustomed to his mother’s addiction that it doesn’t occur to him that it’s a problem, but as Mel’s behavior grows more and more unstable — and as local police start investigating the area drug scene — Paul realizes that it’s his responsibility to take care of himself and his younger brother.

It’s unfortunately common for people to fall into a drug or alcohol addiction to try and cope with their problems, but substance abuse is never the right way to go, and unfortunately sometimes people learn the hard way. But in order to recover, it’s extremely important to first become conscious of your problem, or make your loved one conscious of their problem, and then find that burning motivation to change the addictive ways. It can be very difficult for a drug addict or an alcoholic and their family to accomplish these things on their own, so that’s where Seabrook can help. Seabrook is an internationally recognized inpatient drug rehab and alcoholism detox treatment center with rehab facilities located in New Jersey (NJ), Pennsylvania (PA), and an outpatient office in New York (NY). At Seabrook, we are committed to providing quality addiction treatment for the physical, emotional and spiritual illness of chemical dependency. Our structured, nurturing programs, along with the principles grounded in the Twelve Step philosophy of recovery, combine to foster the kind of change necessary for a clean and sober life. If a film like Pure motivates you to change, then the professional treatment team at Seabrook can help you get on the road to recovery!

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