
Drug Rehab Motion Picture Motivation: Drugstore Cowboy

Drug Rehab Motion Picture Motivation: Drugstore Cowboy

For those that struggle with an addiction to drugs, alcohol, gambling, or any other compulsion, motivation to get clean can come in many forms—and seeing a movie that can be relatable to an addict’s life can be the right motivation to kick-start a successful recovery. Though some people think that movies can often be a bit fabricated, their messages can be very powerful and convincing. The movie Drugstore Cowboy starring Matt Dillon is a drama film that can be potentially moving for those who struggle with substance abuse. Here’s a quick synopsis of the movie:

The operative word in Drugstore Cowboy is “drug”. Bob (Matt Dillon) plays the leader of a group of dopeheads who wander around the country robbing pharmacies to feed their habits. A highly superstitious Bob and wife Diane love to do various pharmaceutical drugs like dilaudid, morphine and cocaine. Dillon’s chums include doltish James Le Gros and teen-age junkie Heather Graham; also along for the ride is Dillon’s wife Kelly Lynch. Their nemesis is cop James Remar, whom Dillon takes perverse delight in humiliating. When one of the young addicts dies of an overdose, it promps Dillon to try to go straight, a task complicated by wife Lynch’s determination to stay high and by the corrupting presence of an ex-priest. Drugstore Cowboy is a classic tale of the plunge that people take when getting too heavily involved in drugs.

There are a few lessons that can be learned after watching a movie like Drugstore Cowboy —most importantly being the dangers of abusing drugs like cocaine and morphine and how the abuse can change your life for the worse. Another lesson, displayed in this film by the lack of it, is the importance of getting clean and sober through professional help. It’s unfortunately common for people to fall into drug addiction, especially in heavily populated areas like New York (NY) and New Jersey (NJ), where the stresses in life and access to bars, alcohol, and drugs is elevated. But in order to recover, it’s extremely important to first become conscious of your problem, and then find that burning motivation to change your ways. It can be very difficult for a drug addict to accomplish these things on their own, so that’s where Seabrook can help. Seabrook is an internationally recognized inpatient drug rehab and alcoholism detox treatment center with rehab facilities located in New Jersey (NJ), Pennsylvania (PA), and an outpatient office in New York (NY). At Seabrook, we are committed to providing quality addiction treatment for the physical, emotional and spiritual illness of chemical dependency. Our structured, nurturing programs, along with the principles grounded in the Twelve Step philosophy of recovery, combine to foster the kind of change necessary for a clean and sober life. If a film like Drugstore Cowboy motivates you to change, then the professional treatment team at Seabrook can help you get on the road to recovery!

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