
Drug Epidemic in St. Louis

When it comes to drug use in the Heartland, meth appears to be the drug of choice, but police in the area say that the trend has recently exploded. Heroin is extremely prevalent in the area because it is cheap, easy to get and the user or addict doesn’t tend to look like the typical drug addict we use to imagine.

A child starts drinking alcohol, which then progresses to marijuana, and then onto prescription pills and meth. But when he or she can no longer get that extreme high any more, a child moves on to heroin. In fact many teens and young adults in Saint Louis admit to police that were making meth to sell, then run down and get heroin with the money they earned.

Authorities say heroin use is hitting a new peak in northeast Missouri. Police report that the majority of drug investigations they do deal with heroin. They believe that the low cost lures prescription drug users who can’t get their hands on new prescriptions, but can easily get heroin on the streets, which fuels their addiction even more.

The heroin found in the Tri-States is coming from St. Louis and most users are in their late teens or twenties, with more and more of them are ending up in the emergency room.

Seabrook is a private CARF accredited drug and alcohol treatment facility. We tailor our treatment to the individual patient’s needs in order to optimize outcomes—this often involves a combination of treatment, social supports, and other services. There is hope out there. All Seabrook programs are grounded in the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA). The Seabrook Model® of treatment includes a multifaceted medical approach to alcohol and other drugs including opiate detoxification, gender-specific therapy with special emphasis on relapse prevention, and family intervention services. Seabrook has treatment centers in New Jersey (NJ) and Pennsylvania (PA) with an outpatient office in New York (NY).

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