Changes to the NJ Prescription Drug Monitoring Program

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Changes to the NJ Prescription Drug Monitoring Program

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie signed legislation that will expand access to the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP). The PDMP is a database available to physicians and pharmacists which allows them to access patients’ prescription history. In doing so, physicians and pharmacists can view if a patient may be ‘doctor shopping’ in order to get excess amounts of medication.

The program currently encourages physicians and prescribers to register and consult it under certain circumstances, like if they suspect a patient is asking for unneeded medication. It is now also required for pharmacists to submit information on patients and prescriptions every thirty days. But with the new legislation, this is now required to be done every seven days until September first when it will be required to be done daily. Pharmacists will also have to submit information on people picking up prescriptions for friends or family members.

Right now, only 85 percent of state physicians are registered for the PDMP. However, registration does not mean it is actually being utilized. This new legislation and possible legislation in the future may make the program necessary and could help reduce drug use and doctor shopping.

Have you re-enrolled for Medicaid? Learn more about changes that could affect your coverage.