
Avoid Junk Food to Lower Risk of Transfer Addiction

Junk food and sweets are common staples to those in recovery. Even the 12 step bible, “AA’s Big Book,” advises addicts to keep candy with them at all times. The reasoning behind this is that the sugary foods will suppress your addiction for drugs or alcohol. This is because these foods cause the brain to have similar responses as it would to drugs. It may sound harmless to replace harmful substances such as drugs or alcohol with food, but what is actually happening is “transfer addiction”

Transfer addiction is when one overcomes addiction to one substance only to have the addiction transfer to something else, in this case sweets. Being addicted to sweets can cause a myriad of health problems, such as diabetes and obesity. It is important to learn while in the process of recovery not to rely on other things to suppress your cravings. There are other ways to overcome the addiction.

Here at Seabrook, we have an in-house chef who prepares all healthy and tasty food to lessen the risk of transfer addiction. We have eliminated sweets and serve well balanced meals. For more information on Seabrook, call (888) 223-0298.

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