Alcohol Causes Holiday-Time Heartbreak in New Jersey

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Alcohol Causes Holiday-Time Heartbreak in New Jersey

Alcohol Causes Holiday-Time Heartbreak in New Jersey

Police have had to deal with several instances of car accidents and other incidents in the Garden State over the 2012 holiday season, according to law enforcement sources. Many of the incidents were caused by motorists who were under the influence of either alcohol or drugs. Two out-of-town drivers were even arrested by New Jersey police.

New Year’s Eve consistently proves to be the most dangerous time of the whole year for road safety. With holiday parties and indulgence happening, many people let themselves overdo it—and then get behind the wheel of a vehicle. Though thankfully there don’t seem to have been any fatalities caused by drunk or impaired driving in New Jersey this holiday season, the rate of hit-and-runs and other traffic incidents was higher than normal. If you know that you have a problem with drugs or alcohol, you should not be driving. You should be seeking treatment.

If you have a problem with alcohol or drug abuse or know someone who does, you should seek help now for yourself or your loved one. Thankfully, there is good help available. Detoxification and behavioral therapy have proven to be effective in treating drug dependence. Addicts are often unable to complete treatment on their own or with family members, so it’s very important to seek the right treatment center. At Seabrook, we customize our treatment plans to individual patient’s needs, so you know the help you’re getting is right for you or a loved one. Whether you need an in-patient facility, or outpatient care, Seabrook is there for you with rehabilitation centers in New Jersey (NJ), Pennsylvania (PA), and an outpatient center in New York (NY). Contact Seabrook today for any questions about drugs, alcohol, addiction, and treatment.

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