Addiction Begins in Our Homes

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Addiction Begins in Our Homes

The consumption of alcoholic beverages among our youth is serious and disturbing. The worst part of all of this is that addiction begins within the home at family functions. The Community Coalition of SCAN have been conducting surveys for 10 years. They survey students to measure the consumption of alcohol and drugs.

SCAN surveyed 7,696 students from grades 6 to 12 from both schools districts between 2008 and 2012. The results are disappointing because 47.8% of students reported alcohol consumption and 23.45% reported having been drunk at least twice in their short lives. The study showed that boys consume more alcohol compared to girls and those who confessed being drunk were boys. The survey also confirmed that alcohol is the most abused substance within our youth.

Most of children in the report started tasting beer and liquor at family parties where adults consent their child to alcohol. It’s important that parents talk seriously with their children about the consequences of ingesting alcoholic beverages.

Drug and alcoholism treatment can truly turn your life around, especially if the treatment is internationally recognized and individualized to you as a unique person. Stop the cycle of drug abuse in your life and seek treatment. Call Seabrook today at 1.(888) 223-0298 to learn more about recovery from drug and alcohol addiction.

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