
Acceptance Easier Said Than Done

Blog post by: Alumni Relations Specialist

Completely accepting the present moment and everything in it, NOT fighting it, NOT being angry at it, and NOT trying to change it, just ACCEPTING it! Yes, easier said than done! First I must accept the fact that I am an addict and that I need help! Then accept the fact that I could not have a drink or drug for the rest of my life. I practice ACCEPTANCE one day at a time and on a daily basis. I do not feel the need to always be right and I know that I am not in control. I accept that I am not perfect, but neither is everyone else, nobody is perfect, and nobody gets it right all the time. We all just do the best we can to do the next right thing and the right things will happen. So “God Grant me the Serenity to Accept the Things I Cannot Change Courage to Change the Things I can and the Wisdom to know the Difference”

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