A Young Women Turns Life Around After Rehab

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A Young Women Turns Life Around After Rehab

A young female started drinking at 11. By 14, she was smoking pot and having drunken fights with her boyfriend in the middle of the streets. At 15, it was painkillers such as Xanax. At 17, she moved on to ecstasy and cocaine. She dropped out of high school by her junior year. She was stealing fifths of liquor three at a time from the grocery store. She was thrown in jail, and yet she still hadn’t hit rock bottom. That came when she started trading sex for heroin. By 19, she attempted suicide. The drug made her memories a blur. Like many heroin users she made it her choice to stick a needle under her skin but her story also is very different from many others. She changed. She says she is done with drugs, and those close to her who have endured the pain, the lies and the horrific lifestyle also believe drugs are in her past.

Now 21, she graduated and is now a youth minister. To beat heroin, she had to decide to do it for herself. No one — not the courts, her family or her friends — could force her to change. She had to make up her own mind. And she did. Raised by her single mother, she entered adolescence and quickly chose a life of delinquency. She can’t remember one specific event, but the drinking just began. She was 11, an age where some girls are still in elementary school. Yes, she was angry, but she doesn’t blame anyone for her decisions except herself. She made feigned attempts at taking on responsibilities, but there was always a constant: booze and drugs. It wasn’t just partying; it was a lifestyle. And it got worse and worse as she got older.

She spent 75 days in jail. She shared needles and smoked crack like it was oxygen. When she ran out of money, she turned tricks: she let men use her body in exchange for drugs. She attempted suicide by ingesting every pill she could find. When she got out of the hospital, she continued doping. She wrecked a car. She got kicked out of her grandma’s house and lived from place to place. She was smoking something out of a light bulb, something she doesn’t even remember what it was. Her aunt and uncle had enough. One day they picked her up and took her to rehab. On Feb. 17, 2012, she found Jesus. She was still in a post-drug fog, but something happened that would save her life and guide her toward normalcy and a purpose. She’s now an intern as a youth minister. She tells her stories to the teens to let them know how drugs almost ruined her life. On Aug. 15, she had been sober 1½ years.

All Seabrook programs are grounded in the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous(NA). The Seabrook Model® of treatment includes a multifaceted medical approach to alcohol and other drugs including opiate detoxification, gender-specific therapy with special emphasis on relapse prevention, and family intervention services. Seabrook has rehab facilities located in New Jersey (NJ) and Pennsylvania (PA) and also an outpatient office in New York (NY). Contact Seabrook today if you think your loved one is in need of professional help for their substance abuse problems.

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